Debunking 6 Misconceptions about An Education Loan For Studying Abroad
Education loans are the
perfect way to fulfil your financial requirements if you are planning to study
abroad. Along with helping you pay the course fees, there are dozens of
benefits one can enjoy when they take an education loan for studying abroad.
However, many people are quite hesitant about taking such loans. This is mainly
due to the lack of correct information and the presence of misconceptions
regarding such loans in people’s minds. To create better awareness, we break
down 6 misconceptions about taking an education loan for studying abroad.
1. Education loans have extremely high interest rates
Lenders understand that
high interest rates may stop aspiring students from pursuing their higher
education abroad. Therefore, there are many lenders in the market that offer
competitive interest rates. Make sure the lender you are going with provides
great features along with a suitable interest rate. You can also use an educational
loan interest calculator to get a stronger understanding of the
interest you will be possibly paying.
2. Education loans take a lot of time to process and get sanctioned
Usually, loans taken from
banks take a lot of time to get processed, so people have this misconception
that an education loan for studying abroad may take a lot of time to get
processed too. However, if you are taking a loan from a reliable NBFC, your
loan application may get processed quickly. It is necessary to choose a lender
that provides quick loan processing as any delay from the lender’s side can
have a negative impact on your admission process.
3. Education loans provide only a limited amount of money
This is only a
misconception as there are many NBFCs who do not have an upper limit on the
loan amount they are willing to provide. Your funding requirement may be high
than usual depending on several factors like the choice of course, university,
study destination, and so on. So, make sure you do your research and choose an education
loan for studying abroad that can meet your requirements.
4. Education loans require security beyond a particular amount
Many NBFCs are willing to
provide unsecured education loans even for very high amounts; that is, you do
not have to provide any sort of collateral to the lender against the loan. This
ensures that your family’s assets or property stay with the family.
5. Education loans are accessible only to the academically well-off
There are many factors
that will determine your eligibility for an education
loan for studying abroad. Your grades are only one such factor. A
reliable education loan lender will look at your career potential in the coming
future rather than your academic past.
6. An education loan will only provide funding for the course fee
When you go to a foreign
destination for higher studies, you will have to incur many expenses beyond
your university course fees. These expenses include travel fare, housing costs,
study material costs, and so on. Not many people know that an education loan
for studying abroad can provide funding for these expenses as well.
Do bear in mind that the
features of different education loans may differ from lender to lender. Kindly
read the loan documents carefully before signing.
Original Source - Debunking
6 Misconceptions about An Education Loan For Studying Abroad
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