
Showing posts from January, 2022

Here’s Why You Should Take An Education Loan For Studying In Australia

  Australia is one of the most sought-after study abroad destinations. Indians form a large chunk of the international students arriving in Australia to pursue higher education. Indeed, with its high standard of living, world-class educational institutes, excellent employment opportunities, and much more, Australia offers a student great reasons to study there. However, one obstacle that the students may have is the funding required for such a plan. These students can take the help of an education loan for studying in Australia . Let us explain why an education loan would be an ideal way to finance your Australian study plans.    1. Your living expenses in Australia are covered as well  An education loan will likely cover costs related to several aspects of your study plans such as your living expenses when you are studying in Australia. Living in Australia is an expensive affair with rent and travel fare being heavy on the pocket. These heavy costs can create ...

5 FAQS Related To An Education Infrastructure Loan

  For a country to prosper and develop, it is imperative that it has good educational institutes. Individuals looking to create such institutes may often face one obstacle when going ahead with their dream: finances. The silver lining here is that there are many ways to fund your educational entrepreneurship dreams and one of the best ways is to opt for an education infrastructure loan . Many people may not be completely aware of what this loan means and what does it exactly offer. Let’s give answers to some common questions related to education infrastructure loans in this article.    1. What is an education infrastructure loan?  An education infrastructure loan is a type of loan that provides finances to individuals looking to build an educational institute. Such a loan takes care of the finances attached to such an event. The borrower can begin on the repayment as per the terms laid out by the lender in the loan agreement.    2. What is the dif...

4 Benefits of Taking an Educational Loan in India You May Not Be Aware Of

  Many students dream of completing their higher studies at the top universities in India. But, one thing that often stops people from pursuing this dream is the funding that they require. With the help of an educational loan in India , however, they can get the required funding and fulfill their dreams with confidence. While many may be aware of the funding part of these loans, there is a multitude of other benefits which the general audience may not be aware of. In this article, we look at 4 such benefits.    1. Ensures the savings of the family stay intact To fund the higher education of their children, many parents and guardians often end up spending their hard-earned savings or break into their retirement funds. Opting for an educational loan in India can help families retain these savings and assets intact, which they can use for their future. Moreover, these days, there is the option of unsecured loans as well. This means that the applicant does not have to p...

Debunking 6 Misconceptions about An Education Loan For Studying Abroad

  Education loans are the perfect way to fulfil your financial requirements if you are planning to study abroad. Along with helping you pay the course fees, there are dozens of benefits one can enjoy when they take an education loan for studying abroad. However, many people are quite hesitant about taking such loans. This is mainly due to the lack of correct information and the presence of misconceptions regarding such loans in people’s minds. To create better awareness, we break down 6 misconceptions about taking an education loan for studying abroad.   1. Education loans have extremely high interest rates  Lenders understand that high interest rates may stop aspiring students from pursuing their higher education abroad. Therefore, there are many lenders in the market that offer competitive interest rates. Make sure the lender you are going with provides great features along with a suitable interest rate. You can also use an educational loan interest calculator to...

4 Kinds Of Expenses Covered By An Education Loan For Study In India

  Traditionally, an education loan used to cover expenses related to academics only. However, with changing times and emerging requirements of students, many loan providers are now covering a wider variety of expenses. This is also a result of students now having more choices when it comes to the courses they want to study and the institutes they want to study them at. If you are looking to take an education loan for study in India , then you might be surprised at the expenses that a good loan can cover. Let’s take a look at 4 such expenses.    1. Living expenses  If you are shifting to another destination to fulfil your educational aspirations, then you will also have to bear the expenses of settling in and living by yourself. The fortunate news is that such expenses are also taken care of by many lenders these days.    2. Expenses related to study equipment  Studying at a well-reputed institute often means that you will have to buy releva...

3 BIG Reasons You Should Opt For An Overseas Education Loan

  The last few years have seen a tremendous rise in the number of students opting for overseas education. Countries such as Australia, the UK, the USA, and Canada continue to rule the roost. There have been new entrants such as Ireland, the UAE, Singapore, and New Zealand in the field as well. These countries offer excellent educational amenities as well as a chance to settle abroad and live a high standard of life. If you have plans of pursuing further studies in these countries and more, you may want to consider taking an overseas education loan to help you with the finances. In this article, we take a look at the many advantages a student can benefit from by opting for an education loan.   1. Your family's savings are retained    When a student goes to study abroad, it is often their family that has to bear the costs. Many parents save money since the student's younger years. However, there is no surety in such a case that the saved money would be suffici...