Here’s how you can pay back your education loan with ease
Education loans help the students to set a path for their career and chase their dreams. They are used by students who don’t want to liquidate their financial assets to study at the university or college of their choice. At the completion of their degree, they are supposed to start paying back the loan. This article will help you understand 3 tips that will help you pay back your education loan with ease.
- Use the moratorium period to prepare for repaying the loan
Moratorium period is the grace period the lender gives the students
to prepare themselves for the long road of paying back the education
loan. You can use this period to develop your loan repayment foresight.
You can start stashing your savings to pull off the first few EMIs with ease.
Or perhaps, you can use the buffer savings method where you create the savings
to use them in the future if you don't have a stable source of income then.
Most lenders offer a moratorium period of 1 year after you complete your
education or 6 months after you get your first job, whichever comes earlier.
- Restructure the EMIs
The second tip is to bite off as much as you can chew. You can ask
the lender to adjust the EMIs according to your convenience. If you bag a
high-paying job after you complete your degree, you can ask the lender to
increase the EMI value. This will help you pay back the study
loan swiftly and you also end up paying less overtime in terms of
If you get a job that pays humble sums then you can ask the lender
to reduce the EMI value. But beware that doing this will increase the tenure of
your loan and you will end up paying more overtime in terms of interest. Some
lenders will even allow a better deal. They will give you the choice of step-up
EMIs, in that you pay lower EMIs initially and as time passes you can ask the
lender to increase the EMI value to suit your earning ability.
- Refinance the loan
If you have taken an education loan from a lender and while paying
it back realised that the lender offered you the loan with a hefty interest
rate then you can save yourself some money by refinancing the loan from another
lender. But make sure that you select a different lender only if it offers an
interest rate lower than your current lender. This tip will help you but
remember one point: You have to pay various charges like service charges,
processing charges, prepayment penalty etc. when you refinance your education
So, these are
the 3 tips that can help you to pay back your education loan with ease. Please
note that you have to discuss these tips with your lender’s executives to
arrive at the repayment plan that suits your prospects the best. Also, seek
advice from a financial advisor before you move forward with any decision of
taking a loan. All the best for your education!
Related Article - Looking at 4 important things to consider before taking an education loan
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